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How do you get sex animation? Whenever I finish a fight there is no more animation (and the animation option is enabled in the settings) do I have to do something specific to activate it? (I started today so I don't know much about the game)

You have selected a fight without sex (bar on the top right). Before the fight, choose the animation you want to fight for.

I got it, thanks

dose anyone know how to complete quest 156?

Figured it out, You can get sticks from most flower patches

the ones in the Forest tend to  give them more often

How do i level up? Been playing for hours, completing quests and still at HR1

You need to do "rank up quests" 

Rank up quests are usually locked behind other quests,  So look for quests that look like this [Picture] and complete the quests it needs 

Is it even possible to complete quest 159?


I can't craft key of hidden cave and therefore I can't move on, how to fix this problem?

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